- Chapter 3 Introduction
- Absorb / Adsorb
- Accept / Except
- Accurate / Precise
- Affect / Effect
- Alot / Allot
- Alright / All right
- Alternate / Alternative
- Among / Between
- Amount of / Number of
- And / Or
- Area / Region / Section
- As / Like
- Aspect
- Assure / Ensure / Insure
- Between . . . and / From . . . to
- Bi / Semi
- Can / Could
- Cite / Site / Sight
- Coarse / Course
- Compared to / Compared with
- Complement / Compliment
- Compose / Constitute / Include
- Comprise
- Continual / Continuous
- Different than / Different from
- Due to the fact that / The reason is because
- e.g. / i.e. / et al.
- etc.
- Fact / Factor
- Farther / Further
- Few / Less
- Former / Latter
- Imply / Infer
- In terms of
- Irregardless
- It's / Its
- Lay / Lie
- Lead / Led
- May / Might
- One / You
- Per
- Percent / Percentage
- Perfect / Unique
- Perspective / Prospective
- Pretty / Quite / Rather / Very
- Principal / Principle
- Precede / Proceed / Subsequent
- Respective / Respectively
- That / Which
- Try and / Try to
- Will / Would