Activity | Details |
Assignment |
Post original entry:In this lesson, we covered code applicable to PV systems. Based on previous discussions, we learned that PV systems classification can include more specific market sector, such as:
Discuss specific code considerations for one of the options. Support your discussion with facts (you may research the same solar installation example you selected for the Lesson 1 and Lesson 6 Discussions). (Hint: the fire hazard referred to in the lesson is an example of the labeling and code compliance for residential buildings. Also use ISEP to compare different PV system types and how codes might vary!) Post comments:Respond to two different opinions of others' posts. (For example, if you choose Option 1, you need to respond to one post for Option 2 and another post for Option 3 or 4.) |
Requirements, Submission Instructions, and Grading | For more detailed instructions about the discussion component of this course, including how you will be graded, please visit the Discussion Activity page. |