Ethical Dimensions of Renewable Energy and Sustainability Systems

Using the Penn State Library


Just like on-campus students, as a Penn State student, you have a wealth of library resources available to you!

Understand that all Penn State students qualify as eligible users of the library and can borrow materials.

"Eligible users include currently enrolled or employed Penn State faculty, staff, and students in good standing who do not have access to a Penn State campus."

As a Penn State student, you can:

  • search for journal articles (many are even immediately available in full-text);
  • request articles that aren't available in full-text and have them delivered electronically;
  • borrow books and other materials and have them delivered to your doorstep;
  • access materials that your instructor has put on electronic Library Reserves;
  • talk to reference librarians in real time using chat, phone, and e-mail;
  • ...and much more!

Check it out!

The University Libraries has put together a special listing of library resources related to materials science and engineering that you might find useful. Many other subject guides are also available!