EGEE 102
Energy Conservation for Environmental Protection

Water Heaters: Your “Power” in the Environmental Protection

  • Do as much cleaning as possible with cold water to save the energy used to heat water.
  • Check your faucets for leaks. They waste both water and energy!
  • Conserve hot water by installing water-saving showerheads. A new showerhead can save as much as $10 a year in water and energy.
  • Once your water is hot, insulate to help keep it that way. Wrapping exposed hot water pipes with insulation will minimize heat loss. So will installing an R-12 insulation blanket around your water heater, unless the manufacturer does not recommend it.
  • Reduce your water heater's temperature to 120 degrees Fahrenheit. That will produce plenty of hot water and still save energy. For homes with a dishwasher, a setting of 140 degrees is required to clean properly, but most of the new dishwashers have a built-in water temperature booster.
  • Many new water heaters have a "vacation" setting you can use to save energy if you're away for more than a few days. Turn the thermostat "down" or "off" when you're gone for more than three days.