EGEE 401
Energy in a Changing World

Deregulation and Renewable Energy Policies


Deregulation and Renewable Energy Policies

Now that we understand more about deregulated markets and renewable energy policy, let us revisit the question of how they relate, if at all. For this, we will read parts of an interesting study done by Columbia University and published in 2016.

Required Reading

Access the following paper through the following link:

Does Power Sector Deregulation Promote or Discourage Renewable Energy Policy? Evidence from the States, 1991–2012; by Sung Eun Kim, Joonseok Yang, and Johannes Urpelainen with the Department of Political Science, Columbia University.

Read pages 22; top half of 29 (up to Research Design); pages 30-32; and, the conclusion section on page 47.

Questions to guide you reading:

What is the likely relationship between deregulation and renewable energy policy, i.e., the concept of issue linkage?