EGEE 401
Energy in a Changing World




The U.S. is a complicated place in terms of regulations, and it is no different when talking about energy markets and options. The energy-related industries are for the most part private sector entities that are covered by a wide assortment of regulations and requirements. The oil and gas sector that provides fuels for transportation, industry, power generation, and personal use is one of these sectors. We also have power generation public utilities which are entities that maintain infrastructure on behalf of the public. These can be government entities, or private companies which are heavily regulated and under some form of public control. For this lesson, we will focus on the power-generating utilities, including the transmission and distribution of the energy.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to: 

  • Describe the differences between regulated and deregulated energy markets
  • Discuss how renewable energy policy and RPS compare and contrast within regulated/deregulated markets
  • Discuss how to use information about your local market to make informed choices about your energy use

Lesson Roadmap

Lesson Activities to be Completed
Read Lesson 9 content
Discuss Relationship between deregulation and renewable energy
Write 325 word (+/- 10%) essay


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