This homework assignment consists of two quantitative problems that are closely tied with the readings. Please study examples in Chapter 6 (D&B book) as they can be especially helpful in developing the solutions.
Deliverable - Lesson 3 Assignment
Problems: 6.1 and 6.12 from the D&B textbook (see Appendix A)
Again I ask you to complete these problems by hand, clearly showing your work step by step. While you should feel free to use any calculation software or spreadsheets behind scenes, I will only read and grade your hand-written solutions. The recommended format for hand-written problems should include underlined statements of:
- knowns
- assumptions
- properties to find
- analysis (including what equations used, numbers, and units)
- solution (please draw a box around your final answer)
A sample hand-written problem is given in the Lesson 2 Module in Canvas.
Please create electronic images of your hand-written solutions (via scan or camera) and save them in a single PDF document. If you have series of images of your pages, you can first insert them into a MS Word document in proper order, and then save the file as PDF.
The assignment is due by 11:59 p.m. (Eastern Time) on Wednesday. Please see the Calendar in Canvas for specific due dates.