EME 812
Utility Solar Power and Concentration

Instructor Information

Mark Fedkin's Picture
Mark Fedkin

Mark Fedkin
Associate Teaching Professor, Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering / Dutton e-Education Institute
College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, The Pennsylvania State University

Office: 421A Earth and Engineering Sciences Building, University Park PA 16802 /  Office hourse are online or in person by appointment

Email: mvf3@psu.edu
Please use the Conversations system in Canvas for any course communications.

Hello! My name is Mark Fedkin. I am an Associate Teaching Professor and Lead Faculty for the Renewable Energy and Sustainability Systems (RESS) at Penn State. 

The main areas of my professional interest are renewable energy and environmental sustainability. I received my Ph.D. in Geo-Environmental Engineering from Penn State University in 2003. Over the past ten years, I worked for the Earth and Mineral Sciences Energy Institute at Penn State, doing research on a variety of renewable energy technologies, especially electrochemical energy systems – fuel cells, electrolyzers, and electrochemical sensors. In my studies, I was particularly focused on energy conversion mechanisms that take place at both macro- and  nano-scale.  At the same time, having a diverse *geo*–background (I also have a BS in Geology), I have always been interested in the complex interplay between the global natural and anthropogenic processes, their trends, and feedbacks between them in the planet history.  

I have been teaching and developing courses for RESS for eight years now and very much enjoy working with the diverse professional audience in this program. I highly appreciate all the life experience and passion RESS students and faculty bring into the classroom, creating unique atmosphere for peer learning and innovation.

I am excited about the new semester and look forward to meeting you online!

If you have questions about this course or RESS Program in general, please feel free to reach out to me by email at mvf3@psu.edu