GEOG 431
Geography of Water Resources

Lesson 9 Activity


Your assignment for Lesson 9 is to review scientific, legal, policy, and guidance documents concerning the “fallout” from the U.S. Supreme Court decision, Rapanos v. United States 547 U.S. 715 (2006), and write a two-page opinion paper that summarizes reactions to the outcomes of this “fallout,” addressing relevant scientific and ecological principles as you understand them, and your personal predictions regarding any changes to the law in the near future.

If you are interested in pursuing this topic further, then you should keep following the continuing saga of USEPA’s efforts to forge new guidance for defining the legal jurisdiction over waters, especially wetlands and their relative connectivity to downstream streams and rivers. In a nutshell, USEPA through its Science Advisory Board (SAB) is releasing a science report, Connectivity of Streams and Wetlands to Downstream Waters. The original author of Geography 431 was one of about two dozen experts who reviewed and commented extensively on this report (Summer of 2014). Simultaneously, the USEPA and Army Corps of Engineers released a guidance document, Definition of ‘‘Waters of the United States’’ Under the Clean Water Act, to explain what waters are subject to federal jurisdiction in the U.S., and how to identify them. The final science report ultimately will inform the guidance document. The pair of documents, however, has generated significant angst from various interest groups that will be or think they will be affected by this guidance. To put it mildly, the blogosphere has been active. Have a look.

Lesson 9 Activity Rubric
Description Full points Partial points No points Points total
Reaction summary Established several reactions (supported by evidence) to the fallout from Rapanos v. US. Only focused on one reaction about Rapanos v. US. Supporting evidence is vague or missing. No summary or only focused on one reaction about Rapanos v. US. Supporting evidence is vague or missing.erent reactions. 10
Addressed scientific/ ecological principles Clear understanding of ecological processes and/or scientific principles. Used knowledge to support different reactions to Rapanos v. US. Talks about some ecological processes and/or scientific principles. However, key points are misunderstood or missing. Does not address ecological processes and/or scientific principles  related to Rapanos vs US. 5
Future predictions Established clear personal predictions on the effects of Rapanos v. US. Thoughtful and well defined. Personal predictions are brief. More content needed. No personal predictions on the effects of Rapanos v. US. 5
College-level writing No grammar or spelling mistakes. Content is organized well. 2-3 grammar or spelling mistakes. Flow and organization of content could be improved. 3+ grammar or spelling mistakes. Content does not flow and is unorganized. 5
Citations Included a complete works cited page. All information is in the student’s own words and appropriately cited. Missing 2-3 in-text citations or works cited page is incomplete . Some information is not written in the student’s own words. Missing 3+ in-text citations or works cited page is incomplete or missing. Most information is not written in the student’s own words. 5


Please submit your paper using the Assignment 9.1 - Opinion paper on Rapanos v. United States drop box under Lesson 9 in Canvas. (See the Calendar in Canvas for specific due dates.)