GEOG 489
Advanced Python Programming for GIS Optional complementary materials: Building a pip package


Important note: While knowing how to create packages from your Python code to disseminate it is an important skill for a Python programmer, the procedure described in this section is a bit complex and error-prone due to system and installation differences. It is also not required to have performed these steps successfully yourself to finish the lesson and the rest of the course. Therefore, this section is provided for interest only. We recommend that you just read through it or skip over it completely and you can then loop back to it at the end of the lesson if you have free time or after the end of the class. If you decide to go through the steps yourself and find yourself stuck with some errors, please feel free to ask about them on the course forums but don't let such issues keep you from reading through the rest of the section and finishing the lesson. 

Now that we covered the basic operation of pip, we will create a pip package for the Locations From Web Services you developed in this lesson. Creating the pip package will involve the following steps:

  1. Creating a file
  2. Creating a file
  3. Installing the package
  4. Creating a source distribution
  5. Creating an account on PyPI (you need to set up an account only once)
  6. Publishing the package and the source to PyPI

We will walk through all these steps and create the necessary files and folders. For reference, as you are reading on, your final package folder and file structure should look like this for pip:

└── <yourinitialsdate>locationsfromwebservices  
   ├── gui_main.ui 
   ├── gui_newshapefile.ui 

Let’s start by creating a separate folder and copying the existing code files into it. Create a pip directory in a location of your choice. Then create a folder named <yourinitialsdate>locationsfromwebservices within it. Replace the <yourinitialsdate> part of the folder name with the combination of your initials and current date and leave out the <>. From now on in the lesson wherever you see that string, replace it with your own combination. Pip packages have to have unique names, otherwise you will not be able to upload them to the repository. Within that folder create another <yourinitialsdate>locationsfromwebservices folder. Copy all the code files you created (or downloaded) for the GUI walkthrough for the Locations from Web Services example in the previous section into this latest (inner) <yourinitialsdate>locationsfromwebservices folder.

Once the folder is set up use your Python editor or other text editor of choice to create the file and place it in the same directory. The file is used by Python to indicate folders that are Python packages. We will leave the file blank – only its presence in the folder is required. The file need not be blank, however. It is a special file that gets executed once the package is imported into another package. It is written in standard Python, so it can contain regular code, and is often used to import other packages, so other modules in the package can import it from the package instead.

Let’s proceed to the second step – creating the file. The file needs to be located in the folder above the code, in the top level <yourinitialsdate>locationsfromwebservices folder. If that is confusing refer back to the folder tree diagram above. Type in the following content into the file:

from setuptools import setup, find_packages 



Now we are ready to install the package. Please make sure that there are no other Python processes running; this includes quitting ArcGIS and/or spyder if they are currently running. In the Python Command Prompt window navigate to the location of your project, specifically the folder containing the file. Once there, type in and run this command (note the '.' at the end of the command which is important):

pip install .

You will receive some status update messages ending with the notification that the package has been successfully installed. You may get a notification you are using an outdated version of pip. Please do not update pip or any other package, as then your set up would be out of sync with the class material.

In order to upload the source to PyPI, the Python Package Index, we need to create a source distribution. To do so type in and run this command:

python sdist

The sdist option creates a new folder in your project named dist and packages all the necessary files for upload into a tar.gz file, which is a compressed file type.

Now that we have everything ready for upload, go to the Python Package Index page and click on Register (top right corner), and proceed to create an account. You will need to log into your e-mail account and click the link to verify the account before you can make any uploads. Once you have an account enter the following in the Command Prompt window:

python sdist upload

You will be asked for your user credentials (or at least your password). Please enter them and the upload will start.

It is very likely you will get an error "error: Upload failed (403): Invalid or non-existent authentication information" that means your username wasn't specified.

The solution to this issue is twofold: First you need to create a file called .pypirc in your home directory (that is c:\Users\<your user name>). You can download this sample configuration file, place it in your home directory, and then edit it to put in your user credentials. Second, you need to install another package called twine:

pip install twine

Once twine is installed:

twine upload dist\*

will use twine to upload the zipped package in the dist folder to your repository (assuming you modified your username and password in the .pypirc file).

Once complete go back to your PyPI account and check the list of your projects to confirm the upload was successful. Please delete the project, as projects need to have unique names and another student attempting this process will get an error if your project remains in PyPI (although our attempt at generating a unique name with the date and our initials should minimize that chance). You need to click on Manage, then Settings and then Delete next to the project name (and type in the project name to confirm).

mainly decorative image - screenshot of project name. See text above image      
Figure 2.32 Upload Process

The package we created is a barebones package, it has absolute minimum elements to be uploaded. Two other elements you should definitely consider adding to your packages are a README and a LICENSE file. The README file would contain some information about the project – who created it, what it does, and any other notes you would like to leave for the users. The LICENSE file should spell out the license agreement for using your package. We will leave the pip package as is but will be adding a LICENSE file to our conda package.