This lesson is one week in length. Please refer to the Calendar in Canvas for specific time frames and due dates. To finish this lesson, you must complete the activities listed below. You may find it useful to print this page out first so that you can follow along with the directions.
Step | Activity | Access/Directions |
1 | Read the Lesson 5 online lecture notes. | The lecture notes can be accessed by clicking on the Lesson 5: Identity III - Nationalism, Separatism, and Terrorism link in the Lessons menu on this page. |
2 | Required Reading |
Antonsich, M. (2017). Nation and nationalism. In J. Agnew, V. Madouh, A. J. Secour, and J. Sharp (Eds.), The Wiley Blackwell companion to political geography (pp. 297-310). Wiley Blackwell. Jabareen, Y. (2015). The emerging Islamic State: Terror, territoriality, and the agenda of social transformation. Geoforum, 58, 51-55. Pokalova, E. (2010). Framing separatism as terrorism: Lessons from Kosovo. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 33(5), 429-447. Reinares, F. (2005). Nationalist separatism and terrorism in comparative perspective. In T. Bjørgo (Ed.), Root causes of terrorism: Myths, reality, and ways forward (pp. 119-130). Routledge. Note: Registered students can access the readings in Canvas by clicking on the Library Resources link. |
3 | Optional Reading |
Caló, B., Malet, D., Howie, L, and Lentini, P. (2020). Islamic Caliphate or nation state? Investigating the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant's imagined Community. Nations and Nationalism, 26(3), 727-742. Pamir, P. (1997). Nationalism, ethnicity and democracy: Contemporary manifestations. International Journal of Peace Studies, 2(2), 3-19. Note: Penn State students should be able to access the optional readings though the Penn State Libraries. (Penn State Access ID login required.) |
5 | Complete the Lesson 5 Discussion Forum. | Post your answer to the Lesson 5 Discussion Forum in Canvas and comment on classmates' responses. You can find the prompt for the assignment in the Lesson 5 Discussion Forum in the Lesson 5: Identity III - Nationalism, Separatism, and Terrorism module in Canvas. |
4 | Complete the Lesson 5 ArcGIS Online Exercise. | Instructions for the Map Exercise can be found on the 5.6 ArcGIS Exercise - How Ideologies Territorialize page of this lesson. Submit your assignment to the Lesson 5 ArcGIS Online Exercise dropbox in the Lesson 5: Identity III - Nationalism, Separatism, and Terrorism module in Canvas. |