There are two types of traffic data that state DOTs use. The first is live traffic data, and it is generally used to measure and address congestion. Often, live traffic data is measured by monitoring vehicle speeds. There are a number of companies that collect speed data by enlisting fleets of vehicles to share their location data. These companies sell the data to state DOTs and others interested in real-time traffic. One such company is INRIX.
The other type of traffic data that state DOTs use is traffic count data. There are a variety of devices which are commonly employed to obtain traffic counts. A few of the more common devices are described below:
- Automatic Traffic Recorder (ATR)
ATRs are permanent traffic counting devices which operate 24/7/365 and are installed below the road surface. ATRs capture traffic volume, but do not differentiate between vehicle types. - Continuous Automatic Vehicle Classification (CAVC)
CAVCs are also permanent traffic counting devices which operate 24/7/365 and are installed below the road surface. In addition to counting vehicles, these devices classify vehicles into the 13 categories which FHWA requires (see Figure 1). - Weigh-in-Motion (WIM)
Like ATRs and CAVCs, WIMs are also permanent traffic counting devices which operate 24/7/365 and are installed below the road surface. In addition to counting and classifying vehicles, WIMs also capture truck weights. - Short-Term In-Pavement (STIP)
STIPs are semi-permanent traffic counting devices much like ATRs. These devices are typically only used to collect counts once a year for a 24-hour period. - Portable Short-Term Counter
These are temporary traffic counting devices which make use of pneumatic tubing which is laid across the road. Different configurations can be used to achieve simple traffic counts or vehicle classification counts. The majority of traffic counts are performed using these devices.
The computers which capture, store, and transmit ATR, CAVC and WIM data back to a central location are typically housed in secure enclosures which are positioned alongside the roadway and are equipped with a permanent power source. STIP sites are not equipped with permanent computers and power. Instead, portable units are used to complete the period counts at these locations.
Class 1: Motorcycles
Class 2: Passenger cars
Class 3: Four tire, single unit
Class 4: Buses
Class 5: Two axle, six tire, single unit
Class 6: Three axle, single unit
Class 7: Four or more axle, single unit
Class 8: Four or less axle, single trailer
Class 9: 5-Axle tractor semitrailer
Class 10: Six or more axle, single trailer
Class 11: Five or less axle, multi trailer
Class 12: Six axle, multi-trailler
Class 13: Seven or more axle multi-trailer
Watch This
Watch the first 4 minutes of the Traffic Counting Training Video below which was developed by PennDOT to train traffic count technicians.
The locations of PennDOT’s permanent traffic counters are presented in a series of district and county maps. Below each map is a table identifying the county, route, segment, and offset of each device. You’ll use this information in Assignment 8-1.
The Value of Traffic Data
Traffic data has a wide variety of uses, a few of the most significant of which are listed here:
HPMS Reporting
One of the most significant uses is to comply with federal HPMS reporting requirements. As was covered last week, states need to report HPMS data to the FHWA each year. HPMS reporting is particularly important to state DOTs since the apportionment of federal funding is based on it.
Highway Safety Improvement Programs (HSIP)
HSIP is a federal aid program aimed at reducing traffic fatalities and major injuries. FHWA requires the project selection process to be data-driven. Traffic data is required to determine crash rates and, consequently, it plays an important role in selecting eligible HSIP projects.
Highway Design
Traffic count data is considered in the design of new roads and the rehabilitation and enhancements of existing roads.
Congestion Management
While real-time congestion management approaches typically use live traffic data based on vehicle speeds, traffic count data can be used to assess congestion and the prospective benefits of ITS technologies.
Roadway Video Logging
Many state DOTs acquire roadway video from specially equipped vehicles which drive all the state-owned roadways. The video data is then made available via a software application which allows users to go on a “virtual drive.” A few examples are Oregon Department of Transportation’s (ODOT) Digital Video Log (DVL) system and PennDOT’s Video Log application. There are many uses of roadway video systems, not the least of which is that they can serve as a means to monitor and maintain roadways and roadway assets, which is both safer and less expensive than an actual visit. The traffic group in PennDOT, for example, uses Video Log to scope out new locations for conducting counts.