GEOG 863:
Web Application Development for Geospatial Professionals

2.2 Configuring forms in Field Maps


2.2 Configuring forms in Field Maps

The primary type of configuration that is required in building a Field Maps app is creating forms for the end user to record their observations. 

  1. Click on the Forms button.  You should see the HMZ layer under the Layers heading.  And if you expand the Tables, you should see the map’s four tables, with only Species HMZ being enabled for form creation.  (Note: Field Maps removes underscores from layer/table names, for whatever reason, so your table will show up as Species HMZ rather than Species_HMZ.)

  2. Re-expand the Layers listing and click on HMZ to select it.  You should see a design canvas appear in the middle of the window delineated by a box with a dashed outline.  To the right of the design canvas, you’ll see a Form builder panel containing several different types of Form elements (or controls).  Scrolling down through the Form builder controls, you should see the layer’s Fields at the bottom.  One option for configuring a form is to drag and drop controls from the Form builder panel onto the design canvas.  However, what we’ll do here instead is ask Field Maps to create a form from the layer’s popup.

  3. Click the blue Convert pop-up button in the middle of the design canvas.  You should see fields from the HMZ attribute table have been added to the canvas as text boxes (for fields without an associated domain) and as combo boxes (for fields with an associated domain). 

  4. Click the Save button in the upper right of the design canvas to save the form.

  5. Expand the Tables listing and go through the same process to create a form for the Species_HMZ table. 

    You may not realize it, but you now have an app that you can test!

  6. Open Field Maps on your mobile device.  After logging in to your AGO account, you should be presented with a list of web maps. 

  7. Find your ISMP Web Map and tap it to open it.

    Unless you happen to live in the vicinity of the Nescopeck State Park, you won’t be able to see the HMZ features. 

  8. Open the Field Maps menu using the button in the upper right and choose Bookmarks > Default Map Extent.  This will zoom you to the park.

  9. Tap the Campground Management Area (the square-ish polygon in the north-central part of the map) to select it. 

    You should see a popup appear showing the data associated with that HMZ.  A DCNR employee using the app would want to record the Stewardship and Outreach ratings for the HMZ. 

  10. To do that, tap the Edit button at the bottom of the screen (pencil icon).  You’ll have the ability to modify the HMZ’s boundary, though there is no need to do so. 

  11. Instead, drag the popup panel up so that you're able to focus on attribute entry, then tap on the Stewardship box and choose 2 - highest eco value from the options (which came from the domain you configured). 

  12. Then tap on the Outreach box and choose 0 - lowest interest from the options.  Click Submit to commit your entries to the geodatabase.

    The DCNR staffer would next want to record the invasive species observed in the HMZ.  With the popup panel up, scroll down past the HMZ attributes.  You should see a Related heading followed by a Species HMZ link. 

  13. Tap that link to access the related records from the Species_HMZ table.  There aren’t any records as of yet, but you should see an Add button, enabling you to enter a new record. 

  14. Upon tapping Add, you should see a form containing the Species_HMZ fields.  The HMZ_ID field will hold 0.  You can either change that to the appropriate value (12) or just ignore it for now.  We’ll come back to this in the next section.  Make the following entries in the form:
    Common_Name: exotic biennials
    Extent_Value: 2
    Impact_Value: 0 
    Restoration_Value: 2
    Priority: 6

    Note that the HMZ_GUID value will be automatically populated with the Campground Management Area’s GlobalID value, which happens because of the foreign key setting we made when configuring the relationship class.

  15. Tap Submit to commit this data to the Species_HMZ table as a new record.

    With that, you will hopefully have successfully tested your app!