GEOG 863
GIS Mashups for Geospatial Professionals



In Lesson 4, you learned how to code info windows for each marker and how to display your markers using a custom icon. However, you were still hard-coding the locations of the markers in your JavaScript, a less-than-ideal arrangement. In Lesson 5, you'll learn how to read and overlay data stored in a variety of formats. The project deliverable will require you to map a dataset of your choosing.

In addition, I will discuss how to use the Google geocoder and give you a taste of database-driven mapping (covered in greater depth in an optional lesson), a topic you may want to explore for your final project.


At the successful completion of this lesson, students should be able to:

  • add Esri shapefile data to a map;
  • add a sidebar that lists selected attribute information about the points on the map;
  • add a KML layer to a map;
  • explain how the Ajax programming technique produces more responsive web applications;
  • understand how server-side scripting can be used to read data from a DBMS and package the data so it can be consumed by JavaScript;
  • use the Google geocoder to obtain lat/long coordinates for addresses.


If you have any questions now or at any point during this week, please feel free to post them to the Lesson 5 Discussion Forum. (That forum can be accessed at any time by clicking on the Discussions tab within Canvas.)