GEOG 871
Geospatial Technology Project Management

Lesson 3 Checklist


Lesson 3 Checklist

Lesson 3 is one week in length. (See the Calendar for specific due dates.) This lesson deals with project scope--defining the project work and how that work will be carried out. To finish this lesson, you must complete the activities listed below. You may find it useful to print this page out first so that you can follow along with the directions.

Lesson 3 Activities
Step Activity Directions
1 Reading  Lesson 3 online course content
2 Reading Croswell Chapter 1 (Section 1.5) and Chapter 2 (all Sections)
3 OPTIONAL Reading  About Project Charters in the PMI PMBOK Chapter 4. Not available online in digital form. Need to purchase from
4 OPTIONAL Reading  White Paper--Geography and Role of Public Jurisdictions
5  Quiz 1 Complete Quiz 1 in Lesson 3.
6 Assignment #2: Project Charter for City of Metropolis Geodatabase Project See assignment instructions and Canvas Course Calendar for due date
7 Participate in Week 3 Discussion Forum:
  • requires an original posting and at least one response to a classmate's posting
  • each must be a minimum of three sentences
Access Lesson 3 Discussion Forum.
Suggested topic - What sorts of organizations would benefit from taking the time to create a project charter, and what sorts would not?