In the author-year system, your references are listed on a separate references page in alphabetical order, using the last names of the authors, article title (if no author), or publisher name. The type should be double-spaced, lines should not be skipped between each reference, and a hanging indent of five spaces should be used after the first line of each reference. Always include the word "References," boldfaced, in the center at the top of the page.
Click here to download a pdf of a sample References page using the author-year system.
Sample Author-Year System References Page
Charlock, T.P., and V. Ramanathan, 1985: "The Albedo Field and Cloud Radiative Forcing Produced by a General Circulation Model with Internally Generated Cloud Optics." J. Atmos. Sci., 42, 1408-1429.
"Drilling Probes Mediterranean Climate and Oceanography," originally published in Earth in Space 8, May 1996.
Ozick, B., 1987: The Physical Oceanography of the Mediterranean Sea. Bell Publishing Co. Austin, TX. 176 pp.
PRIMO document, 1989: Preparatory document on the development of PRIMO, an international research program in the western Mediterranean. Published by PRIMO, Inc., Paris. 29 pp.