Computation and Visualization in the Earth Sciences

Lesson 7: Reading Discussion


This week we will read and discuss two papers:

Tversky, B., J.B. Morrison, M. Betrancourt, 2002, Animation: can it facilitate, Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 57, p. 247-262.

Höffler, Tim N., and Detlev Leutner, 2007, Instructional animation versus static pictures: A meta-analysis, Learning and Instruction, 17, p. 722-738.

These papers try to compare learning outcomes from still visuals with those from animations to see if animations are really better, or not.

Questions for discussion

As you read, consider the following questions, which we will discuss as a class:

  1. Who decides whether an animation or a still visual is "good"?
  2. What are the strengths and limitations of each of these two studies?
  3. What are the congruence and apprehension principals? What is cognitive load? Why are these important when considering whether to use static or animated graphics?

Submitting your work

Once you have finished the readings, engage in a class discussion that will take place during Lesson 7. This discussion will require you to participate multiple times over that period.

  1. Enter the Lesson 7 - Papers Discussion Forum.
  2. You will see postings already there, each containing one of the discussion questions above.
  3. Post a response to each question. If you feel that your response has already been "said" by another student, then post a response to someone else's remarks that expands on what has already been said, asks for clarification, asks a follow-up question, or furthers the discussion in some other meaningful way. By the end of the activity, I would like you to post at least one original thought/opinion/question and at least one thoughtful response to someone else's post.

Grading criteria

You will be graded on the quality of your participation. See the grading rubric for specifics.