EGEE 102
Energy Conservation for Environmental Protection

Energy Use of Home Appliances, Page 2, Practice


What is the energy consumption of a refrigerator with a wattage rating of 700 Watts when it is operated for 24 hours a day?

Step 1

To solve, use the following formula:

Energy Consumption = Power Consumption × Number of Hours Operated

Energy Consumption = Watt Hours (Wh) or KiloWatt Hours (kWh)

Power Consumption = Watts (W) or kW (KiloWatts)

Number of Hours Operated = Hours (h) For the example above:

Energy Consumption = 700 W x 24 h

Energy Consumption = 16800 W h

Step 2

To convert from Wh to kWh, remember that 1kWh = 1000 Wh

To solve, set up as a ratio and use linear algebra to solve for ?.

1 kWh 1000 Wh = ?kWh 16800 Wh 16,800 Wh( 1 kWh ) 1000 Wh = ?KWh 16.8 KWh = ?KWh

Practice Problem

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