EGEE 102
Energy Conservation for Environmental Protection

Energy Use of Home Appliances, page 1


Calculating Energy Use

How is energy use of Home Appliances calculated?

You just learned in a previous discussion on power that:

Power = Energy / Time


Energy = Power × Duration of Usage ( Time )

By modifying this formula slightly, we can determine Energy Consumption per Day:

Energy Consumption / Day = Power Consumption × Hours Used / Day


  • Energy Consumption will be measured in Kilowatt hours (kWh) - like on your utility bills.
  • Power Consumption will be measured in Watts
  • Hours used per Day will be the actual time you use the appliance.

Since we want to measure Energy Consumption in Kilowatt hours, we must change the way Power Consumption is measured from Watts to Kilowatts (kWh). We know that 1 kilowatt hour (kWh) = 1,000 Watts hours, so we can adjust the formula above to:

Energy Consumption / Day (kWh) = Power Consumption  (Watts / 1,000) × Hours Used / Day

Example 1: Calculating Energy Use of a Ceiling Fan

If you use a ceiling fan (200 watts) for four hours per day, and for 120 days per year, what would be the annual energy consumption?

Use this formula:

Energy Consumption / Day (kWh) = Power Consumption ( Watts / 1000) × Hours Used / Day

Energy Consumption per Day (kWh) = (200 / 1000) × 4 (hours used per day)

Energy Consumption per Day (kWh) = (1/5) × 4 

Energy Consumption per Day (kWh) =4/5 or 0.8

So the Energy Consumption per Day is 0.8 kWh To find out energy for 120 days, do simple multiplication: 0.8 x 120 = 96 kWh

Example 2: Calculating Annual Cost of a Ceiling Fan

If the price per kWh for electricity is $0.0845, what is the annual cost to operate the ceiling fan?

Annual Cost = Annual Energy Consumption ( kWh ) × price per kWh Annual Cost = 96kWh × $0.0845/kWh = $8.12

Want Another Example?

If you use a personal computer (120 Watts) and monitor (150 Watts) for four hours per day, and for 365 days per year, what would be the annual energy consumption?

Energy Consumption/Day ( kWh ) = ( 270/1000 ) × 4 ( hours used / day )  Energy Consumption per Day ( kWh ) = 1.08

So the Energy Consumption per Day is 1.08 kWh. To find out energy for 365 days, do simple multiplication:

1.08 kWh × 365 days = 394.2 kWh

The annual cost if electricity is $0.0845 per kWh would be:

Cost = 394.2 kWh  ×  $0.0845/kWh = $33.30