GEOG 128
Geography of International Affairs

Geopolitical Codes and Boundary Conflicts


Flint identifies four categories of grievances that can ignite a boundary conflict. Those four categories are: identity, demarcation of boundaries, control of natural resources, and security. The textbook provides a great general analysis of a fictitious state called Hypothetica. Using the example of Hypothetica, Flint goes through each of the four categories of grievance to highlight how they become points of contention leading to geopolitical boundary conflicts. After his fictitious example, he then details the geopolitical history of the Israel-Palestine conflict.

As you review the case study, note how identity, demarcation, resources, and security are engaged with and utilized over the history of the conflict. Who are the key actors involved in the conflict? What issues are at the center of the conflict? What has been the process of territorialization, deterritorialization, and reterritorialization for each actor(s)? What continue to be the main sticking points of the conflict? What are the possibilities for making peaceful boundaries?