GEOG 489
Advanced Python Programming for GIS

4.7 Inheritance, Class Hierarchies and Polymorphism


We already mentioned building class hierarchies via inheritance and polymorphism as two main principles of object-oriented programming in addition to encapsulation. To introduce you to these concepts, let us start with another exercise in object-oriented modeling and writing classes in Python. Imagine that you are supposed to write a very basic GIS or vector drawing program that only deals with geometric features of three types: circles, and axis-aligned rectangles and squares. You need the ability to store and manage an arbitrary number of objects of these three kinds and be able to perform simple operations with these objects like computing their area and perimeter and moving the objects to a different position. How would you write the classes for these three kinds of geometric objects?

Let us start with the class Circle: a circle in a two-dimensional coordinate system is typically defined by three values, the x and y coordinates of the center of the circle and its radius. So these should become the properties (= instance variables) of our Circle class and for computing the area and perimeter, we will provide two methods that return the respective values. The method for moving the circle will take the values by how much the circle should be moved along the x and y axes as parameters but not return anything.

import math 

class Circle(): 
	def __init__(self, x = 0.0, y = 0.0, radius = 1.0): 
		self.x = x 
		self.y = y 
		self.radius = radius 

    def computeArea(self): 
	    return math.pi * self.radius ** 2 

    def computePerimeter (self): 
	    return 2 * math.pi * self.radius 

    def move(self, deltaX, deltaY): 
	    self.x += deltaX 
	    self.y += deltaY 

    def __str__(self): 
	    return 'Circle with coordinates {0}, {1} and radius {2}'.format(self.x, self.y, self.radius) 

In the constructor, we have keyword arguments with default values for the three properties of a circle and we assign the values provided via these three parameters to the corresponding instance variables of our class. We import the math module of the Python standard library so that we can use the constant math.pi for the computations of the area and perimeter of a circle object based on the instance variables. Finally, we add the __str__() method to produce a string that describes a circle object with its properties. It should by now be clear how to create objects of this class and, for instance, apply the computeArea() and move(…) methods.

circle1 = Circle(10,4,3) 
Circle with coordinates 10, 4 and radius 3 
Circle with coordinates 13, 3 and radius 3

How about a similar class for axis-aligned rectangles? Such rectangles can be described by the x and y coordinates of one of their corners together with width and height values, so four instance variables taking numeric values in total. Here is the resulting class and a brief example of how to use it:

class Rectangle(): 
	def __init__(self, x = 0.0, y = 0.0, width = 1.0, height = 1.0): 
		self.x = x 
		self.y = y 
		self.width = width 
		self.height = height 

    def computeArea(self): 
		return self.width * self.height 

    def computePerimeter (self): 
		return 2 * (self.width + self.height) 

    def move(self, deltaX, deltaY): 
		self.x += deltaX 
		self.y += deltaY 

	def __str__(self): 
		return 'Rectangle with coordinates {0}, {1}, width {2} and height {3}'.format(self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height ) 

rectangle1 = Rectangle(10,10,3,2) 
Rectangle with coordinates 10, 10, width 3 and height 2 
Rectangle with coordinates 12, 12, width 3 and height 2

There are a few things that can be observed when comparing the two classes Circle and Rectangle we just created: the constructors obviously vary because circles and rectangles need different properties to describe them and, as a result, the calls when creating new objects for the two classes also look different. All the other methods have exactly the same signature, meaning the same parameters and the same kind of return value; just the way they are implemented differs. That means the different calls for performing certain actions with the objects (computing the area, moving the object, printing information about the object) also look exactly the same; it doesn’t matter whether the variable contains an object of class Circle or of class Rectangle. If you compare the two versions of the move(…) method, you will see that these even do not differ in their implementation, they are exactly the same!

This all is a clear indication that we are dealing with two classes of objects that could be seen as different specializations of a more general class for geometric objects. Wouldn’t it be great if we could now write the rest of our toy GIS program managing a set of geometric objects without caring whether an object is a Circle or a Rectangle in the rest of our code? And, moreover, be able to easily add classes for other geometric primitives without making any changes to all the other code, and in their class definitions only describe the things in which they differ from the already defined geometry classes? This is indeed possible by arranging our geometry classes in a class hierarchy starting with an abstract class for geometric objects at the top and deriving child classes for Circle and Rectangle from this class with both adding their specialized properties and behavior. Let’s call the top-level class Geometry. The resulting very simple class hierarchy is shown in the figure below.

see caption
Figure 4.17 Simple class hierarchy with three classes. Classes Circle and Rectangle are both derived from parent class Geometry.

Inheritance allows the programmer to define a class with general properties and behavior and derive one or more specialized subclasses from it that inherit these properties and behavior but also can modify them to add more specialized properties and realize more specialized behavior. We use the terms derived class and base class to refer to the two classes involved when one class is derived from another.