GEOG 489
Advanced Python Programming for GIS Adding tool validation code

PrintPrint Adding tool validation code

Now let’s expand on the user friendliness of the tool by using the validator methods to ensure that our cutoff value falls within the minimum and maximum values of our raster (otherwise performing the analysis is a waste of resources).

The purpose of the validation process is to allow us to have some customizable behavior depending on what values we have in our tool parameters. For example, we might want to make sure a value is within a range as in this case (although we could do that within our code as well), or we might want to offer a user different options if they provide a point feature class instead of a polygon feature class, or different options if they select a different type of field (e.g. a string vs. a numeric type).

The Esri help for Tool Validation gives a longer list of uses and also explains the difference between internal validation (what Desktop & Pro do for us already) and the validation that we are going to do here which works in concert with that internal validation.

You will notice in the help that Esri specifically tells us not to do what I’m doing in this example – running geoprocessing tools. The reason for this is they generally take a long time to run. In this case, however, we’re using a very simple tool which gets the minimum & maximum raster values and therefore executes very quickly. We wouldn’t want to run an intersection or a buffer operation for example in the ToolValidator, but for something very small and fast such as this value checking, I would argue that it’s ok to break Esri’s rule. You will probably also note that Esri hints that it’s ok to do this by using Describe to get the properties of a feature class and we’re not really doing anything different except we’re getting the properties of a raster.

So how do we do it? Go back to your tool (either in the Toolbox for your Project, Results, or the Recent Tools section of the Geoprocessing sidebar), right click and choose Properties and then Validation.

You will notice that we have a pre-written, Esri-provided class definition here. We will talk about how class definitions look in Python in Lesson 4 but the comments in this code should give you an idea of what the different parts are for. We’ll populate this template with the lines of code that we need. For now, it is sufficient to understand that different methods (initializeParameters(), updateParameters(), etc.) are defined that will be called by the script tool dialog to perform the operations described in the documentation strings following each line starting with def.

Take the code below and use it to overwrite what is in your ToolValidator:

import arcpy 

class ToolValidator(object): 
    """Class for validating a tool's parameter values and controlling 
    the behavior of the tool's dialog.""" 

    def __init__(self): 
        """Setup arcpy and the list of tool parameters."""  
        self.params = arcpy.GetParameterInfo() 

    def initializeParameters(self):  
        """Refine the properties of a tool's parameters. This method is  
        called when the tool is opened.""" 
    def updateParameters(self): 
        """Modify the values and properties of parameters before internal 
        validation is performed. This method is called whenever a parameter 
        has been changed."""  
    def updateMessages(self): 
        """Modify the messages created by internal validation for each tool 
        parameter. This method is called after internal validation.""" 
        ## Remove any existing messages  
        if self.params[1].value is not None:  
            ## Get the raster path/name from the first [0] parameter as text 
            inRaster1 = self.params[0].valueAsText 
            ## calculate the minimum value of the raster and store in a variable 
            elevMINResult = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(inRaster1, "MINIMUM") 
            ## calculate the maximum value of the raster and store in a variable 
            elevMAXResult = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(inRaster1, "MAXIMUM") 
            ## convert those values to floating points 
            elevMin = float(elevMINResult.getOutput(0)) 
            elevMax = float(elevMAXResult.getOutput(0))  
            ## calculate a new cutoff value if the original wasn't suitable but only if the user hasn't specified a value.    
            if self.params[1].value < elevMin or self.params[1].value > elevMax: 
                cutoffValue = elevMin + ((elevMax-elevMin)/100*90) 
                self.params[1].value = cutoffValue
                self.params[1].setWarningMessage("Cutoff Value was outside the range of ["+str(elevMin)+","+str(elevMax)+"] supplied raster so a 90% value was calculated")

Our logic here is to take the raster supplied by the user and determine the min and max values so that we can evaluate whether the cutoff value supplied by the user falls within that range. If that is not the case, we're going to do a simple mathematical calculation to find the value 90% of the way between the min and max values and suggest that as a default to the user (by putting it into the parameter). We’ll also display a warning message to the user telling them that the value has been adjusted and why their original value doesn’t work.

As you look over the code, you’ll see that all of the work is being done in the bottom function updateMessages(). This function is called after the updateParameters() and the internal arcpy validation code have been executed. It is mainly intended for modifying the warning or error messages produced by the internal validation code. The reason why we are putting all our validation code here is because we want to produce the warning message and there is no entirely simple way to do this if we already perform the validation and potentially automatic adjustment of the cutoff value in updateParameters() instead. Here is what happens in the updateMessages() function: 

We start by cleaning up any previous messages self.params[1].clearMessages() (line 24). Then we check if the user has entered a value into the cutoffValue parameter (self.params[1]) on line 26. If they haven't, we don’t do anything (for efficiency). If the user has entered a value (i.e., the value is not None) then we get the raster name from the first parameter (self.params[0]) and we extract it as text (because we want the content to use as a path) on line 28. Then we’ll call the arcpy GetRasterProperties function twice, once to get the min value (line 30) and again to get the max value (on line 32) of the raster. We’ll then convert those values to floating point numbers (lines 34 & 35).

Once we’ve done that, we do a little bit of checking to see if the value the user supplied is within the range of the raster. If it is not, then we will do some simple math to calculate a value that falls 90% of the way into the range and then update the parameter (self.params[1].value) with the number we calculated (line 40 and 41). Finally, in line 42, we produce the warning message informing the users of the automatic value adjustment.

Now let’s test our Validator. Click OK and return to your script in the Toolbox, Results or Geoprocessing window. Run the script again. Insert the name of the input raster again. If you didn’t make any mistakes entering the code there won’t be a red X by the Input Raster. If you did make a mistake, an error message will be displayed there, showing you the usual arcpy / geoprocessing error message and the line of code that the error is occurring on. If you have to do any debugging, exit the script, return to the Toolbox, right click the script and go back to the Tool Validator and correct the error. Repeat as many times as necessary.

If there were no errors, we should test out our validation by putting a value into our Cutoff Value parameter that we know to be outside the range of our data. If you choose a value < 2798 or > 3884, you should see a yellow warning triangle appear that displays our error message, and you will also note that the value in Cutoff Value has been updated to our 90% value.

screenshot of error message because cutoff value 3775 was outside range
Figure 1.9 Tool Validator error message
Credit: ArcGIS Pro

We can change the value to one we know works within the range (e.g. 3500), and now the tool should run.