GEOG 850
Location Intelligence for Business

6.2 Case Study: Location Intelligence to Support AML/CTF Investigations, Part 2


Case Study: Location Intelligence to Support AML/CTF Investigations,
Part 2 - Integration, Geospatial Analysis, and Presentation

Your work in Lesson 5 uncovered patterns of money laundering placement and layering. Let's continue the case study in Lesson 6 to expand the location intelligence supporting the fictional college student AML/CTF investigation to identify any integration activities.

Investigators created a link to additional media reports, financial, and geospatial information for your analysis. Use the Canvas, Lesson 6.2 link to download pertinent financial reports.

Case Study: Step 3 - Integration

a. Your assignment in Lesson 6 is to identify integration activities of money laundering, if applicable, in the case of Blake Glover. What do you find?

b. It is often difficult to separate legitimate purchases from false leads; examine the location, methods, and timing of possible layering activities with an open mind in these situations.

Case Study: Step 4 – Geospatial Analysis

a. Using the available data and information you researched, perform a formal geospatial analysis to produce location intelligence. The results of your analysis will be used by investigators to supplement other forms of legal analysis.

b. Perform a predictive analysis to understand the future consequences or prescriptive analysis to advise on possible outcomes.

c. Develop a recommendation or courses of action (COAs) for the investigative decision makers.

Case Study: Step 5 – Maps, visualization, charts, executive summary

a. Present your findings in a powerpoint or other format presentation.

b. To demonstrate your critical thinking skills and understanding of location intelligence, present your top recommendation on the next step for investigators to prevent money launding in the FI/or identify money laundering earlier. From your job role as a geospatial analyst, what do you recommend or what COAs do you develop?


Complete Steps 3, 4 and 5 of the Case Study


Continue your work from Lesson 5, read the supplemental information and reports found in Canvas Lesson 6.2 download, and perform geospatial analysis to complete your location intelligence assessment for the AML/CTF case study.

Deliverable (50 pts):

Complete the Money Laundering, Steps 3-5 activity and create a Presentation (sequence of slides/images/maps/reports with your comments annotating the presentation) & Summary Report (about 400-500 words).

Approximately five to seven slides will cover the concepts of Integration, Analysis, and Recommendations. Submit your Presentation of Location Intelligence, Recommendation, and supporting maps, diagrams, charts, and summary in Canvas to the Lesson 6.2 Activity Case Study: Location Intelligence for AML/CTF Investigations, Part 2 drop box.

  • Maps or other visualizations of the investigation area of interest, locations where money was placed (initial step of laundering) area with any relevant polygon and point layers visible and symbolized.
  • Financial & geospatial information which evidence the results of your analysis and address the elements of Integration. NOTE: You may wish to clip the report to highlight elements you wish to be clearly visible in your presentation.
  • Your explanation/rationale for your suggestions as commentary to your images.

Your grade will be based how well you make your case both in terms of evidence and presentation.

Due Tuesday night 11:59 pm (Eastern Time)