GEOG 855
Spatial Data Analytics for Transportation

1.5 Summary of Lesson 1


In this lesson you:

  • briefly examined the important role GIS plays in the field of transportation and learned about the manner in which GIS-T is evolving in the 21st century. \
  • learned something about transportation modes and the concepts of mode competition, mode shift, and containerization.
  • spent some time learning about the role of the USDOT in the transportation industry. .
  • aquainted yourself with the speaker and general topics for next week's webinar.
  • took the first step in getting to know each other by creating a video autobiography which will serve to introduce you to the rest of the class.

Questions and Comments

If there is anything in the Lesson 1 materials about which you would like to ask a question or provide a comment, submit a posting to the Lesson 1 Questions and Comments discussion. Also, review others' postings to this discussion and respond if you have something to offer or if you are able to help.