GEOG 855
Spatial Data Analytics for Transportation

5.1 Network Analysis


Network analysis can be used to solve many different transportation problems that would be very challenging to solve otherwise. A prerequisite to performing network analysis is that you have a network model. In ESRI’s terms, this is a network dataset. We walked through an exercise to construct a network dataset in the last lesson. Of course, it is not a requirement of network analysis that you construct your own network model. There are a number of commercially available network models you can use instead.

The types of problems which network analysis can be used to solve are quite varied. One common characteristic of the algorithms that power each is that they involve determining the cost of one or more routes through the network. The cost is most commonly based on time or distance, but you can define a cost attribute any way you want. For example, you might score each edge in the network based on its scenic value. You could then create a cost parameter based on the scenic score and use the solver to find the most scenic route.

ESRI provides 6 out-of-the-box network analyses as a part of Network Analyst. ESRI terms these network analyses “solvers.” The solvers are listed below along with a brief description of each:

Route Solver

The route solver determines the best route between two or more points. Most of us use this network analysis on a regular basis. Whenever you use Google Maps or a comparable service to get directions from one location to another the service is conducting a network analysis to determine the best, typically fastest, route. This solver can route any number of points according to a specified order (i.e., the traveling salesman problem) or the most efficient order.

Route solver: (Left) find quickest route - time-based cost attribute. (Right) find shortest path - distance-based cost attribute
Figure 5.1 - Route Solver: Time vs. Distance Based Cost
Credit: ESRI

Closest Facility Solver

This solver is used to determine the closest facility to a given location. The term "facility" can be a bit misleading. For example, this solver could be used to determine the closest ambulance to an accident scene. In this case, using ESRI’s terminology, the ambulances would be considered facilities.

Closest facility solver: routes from an incident to all facilities that can be reached within 15 mins of driving.
Figure 5.2 - Closest Facility Solver
Credit: ESRI

Service Area Solver

The geographic region which can reach a designated facility in a certain period of time (or vice versa) is termed a service area. To determine the bounds of this area, you can use the Service Area Solver.

Service Area Solver: All roads within a 10-minute drive of a facility (bound the roads by a polygon).
Figure 5.3 - Service Area Solver
Credit: ESRI

Origin-Destination (OD) Cost Matrix Solver

The OD cost matrix solver is generally used to determine the distances of the fastest routes between a set of origins and a set of destinations. Although the path between each origin and destination is often represented as a straight line, the route which corresponds to the time and distance costs between each pair of locations follows the street network.

OD cost matrix solver: least-cost paths between origin & its 4 closest destinations & then store values in an attribute table
Figure 5.4 - OD Cost Matrix Solver
Credit: ESRI

Vehicle Routing Solver

The vehicle routing solver is typically used to determine the most efficient routes for a fleet of vehicles tasked with servicing a series of stops.

Vehicle Routing Solver: find routes 4 a fleet so many orders are serviced & time windows, breaks & vehicle capacities are kept
Figure 5.5 - Vehicle Routing Solver
Credit: ESRI

Location-Allocation Solver

The location-allocation solver can be used to determine how effectively a facility site is servicing locations which have a need for its services. As such, it can be used to select the best location for a facility from a series of candidate locations.

Location allocation solver. See text above for description
Figure 5.6 - Location-Allocation Solver
Credit: ESRI