A GIS mashup is essentially a web page containing special scripts that dynamically add a map to the page. The bulk of this course will be concerned with writing these map building scripts (using JavaScript). However, mashups are embedded within pages written in the web publishing languages of HTML and CSS. This lesson focuses on those web publishing languages.
The lesson covers a lot of material, which is why you'll be given two weeks to complete it instead of one. At the end of the lesson, you'll be given a Word document and asked to apply what you've learned to produce a web page that replicates the formatting of your assigned document.
At the successful completion of this lesson, students should be able to:
- understand the basic rules/terminology of Hypertext Transfer Markup Language (HTML);
- author a simple web page containing paragraphs, lists, tables, images, and links without the aid of an HTML editor;
- describe notation schemes that are not handled well by HTML;
- explain the need for and uses of eXtensible Markup Language (XML);
- describe the motivation behind the development of eXtensible HTML (XHTML) and its syntax differences from HTML;
- describe the benefits of using Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) technology;
- author a simple web page using XHTML and CSS.
Conversation and comments in this course will take place within the course discussion forums in Canvas. If you have any questions now or at any point during this week, please feel free to post them to the Lesson 2 Discussion Forum. (That forum can be accessed at any time by clicking on the Discussions tab within Canvas.)