GEOG 863
GIS Mashups for Geospatial Professionals

Assignment: Write a Page Using XHTML and CSS


You have been sent a Word document containing text that I’d like you to convert to a valid XHTML Strict document. Match the formatting found in the Word doc as closely as possible, paying particular attention to text alignment, font size and font weight. Some of the formatting will require CSS, which you should write in either an external file or in the head section of the XHTML doc.

The goal of this project is to test your ability to code the document from scratch, so avoid using applications that generate the HTML code for you such as Word. They almost invariably generate more code than is actually needed and your grade will be docked considerably if you use one. Instead, I recommend you use a basic text editor like Notepad.

You can refer to the links below for an example in which I've replicated a document similar to the one you've been assigned:
Example Word document
My XHTML/CSS solution

You may be tempted to find your assigned document online and copy its source code. To discourage this, I’ve made small modifications to each document. If I find that you’ve submitted a document that matches the original and not the one that I sent you, I will consider it an academic integrity violation (resulting in a grade of 0).

The addresses of links can be determined by right-clicking on one in Word and selecting Edit Hyperlink. The URL will be shown in the Address text box. You can highlight the complete URL using Ctrl-a and copy it to the Windows clipboard using Ctrl-c.

For full credit, your page must pass through the World Wide Web Consortium’s page validator without errors.

Your e-Portfolio

From this point on in the course, you should be publishing your assignments to your PSU e-Portfolio (or to some other web host, if you prefer). 

  1. Following the instructions in the Orientation, connect to your web space.
  2. There will be a default index.html page in your www folder.  Modify this page (or create a new index.html page altogether) to include links to your first two assignments, along with anything else you want to include on your page.
  3. After uploading your index.html page, I will be able to view it through the URL, where xyz123 is replaced by your access account ID.  (You should test this to confirm.)  Note that when a URL ends in a folder name rather than a file name, the web browser looks for a file by the name of index.html or index.htm in that folder.  This is why index.html can be omitted when attempting to view that page.


This project is two weeks in length. Please refer to the course Calendar, in Canvas, for the due date.

  1. Click on the Assignment 2 Submission link in Canvas to submit a link to your project page (a link to your e-portfolio index page is OK too, if it contains a link to your project). (70 of 100 points)
  2. I will be checking your page against the World Wide Web Consortium’s page validator. For full credit, your page must pass through without errors. (20 of 100 points)
  3. Be sure to include a link to your app from Lesson 1 in your e-Portfolio (10 of 100 points). 
  4. Complete the Lesson 2 quiz.