GEOG 882
Geographic Foundations of Geospatial Intelligence

7.7 Geospatial Concept of Operations


Geospatial technology is used throughout the mission areas of prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and recovery. The Homeland Security Geospatial Concept of Operations (GeoCONOPS) is a strategic roadmap to understand and improve the coordination of geospatial activities across the entire spectrum of the nation—from federal, state, and local governments, to private sector and community organizations, academia, the research and development industry, and citizens - in support of homeland security and homeland defense. The GeoCONOPS includes:

Community Tools (Resources and Capabilities)

  • current resources and capabilities such as personnel, assets and analytical models

Best Practices

  • requirements and activities for disaster response mission areas

Federal Operation Centers

  • a detailed scenario of response activities for a catastrophic natural event

Authoritative Data

  • requirements and activities for mitigation and preparedness areas

Benefits of the GeoCONOPS include:

  • defines the geospatial mission blueprint of the resources and capabilities available for support in the homeland security enterprise
  • identifies points of coordination and collaboration
  • documents authoritative geospatial data sources
  • describes best practices
  • identifies technical capabilities

Optional Reading

In the previous version of Geography 882 we assigned the three FEMA IS lessons addressing the HSE Geospatial Concept of Operations.  FEMA discontinued these lessons without replacement and archived the content. The information is valuable and interesting so while you won't be assessed on the content, it would be worth your time to review the material in the link below.

Homeland Security Geospatial Concept of Operations (GeoCONOPS)