GEOG 882
Geographic Foundations of Geospatial Intelligence

4.4 The Development of US Intelligence


Required Reading

Read Lowenthal's Chapter 2: "The Development of US Intelligence" in Intelligence: From Secrets to Policy.

As you read chapter 2, do some critical thinking and ask yourself:

  • Why did the US not develop a formal intelligence establishment until relatively recently?
  • Must a threat based foreign policy continue to be the mainstay of US foreign policy?
  • Are there other alternatives to competitive analysis?
  • What is the optimal relationship between producers and consumers of intelligence?
  • How does the issue of "a heavy reliance" on technology relate to geospatial intelligence?

Read NGA History fact sheet.

As you read, note:

  • The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) is responsible within the US intelligence community for imagery intelligence (as Lowenthal would term it - it is more correctly referred to as geospatial intelligence).
  • You will read about the NGA and the National Geospatial-Intelligence Strategy (NGS) next week.
  • Reading the fact sheet will help you familiarize yourself with the history of the NGA.

Knowledge Check

Prepare for the quiz answering the following questions.