GEOG 882
Geographic Foundations of Geospatial Intelligence

8.7 Summary and Final Tasks


Completion of this lesson increased your understanding of:

  • Cutter's concept of the "All Hazards" approach to disaster management;
  • social justice issues in the disaster management process;
  • federal disaster planning and response efforts, including the NRF and NIPP, as well as the roles of DHS in Homeland Security and DOD in Homeland Defense and Civil Support;
  • the capabilities and limitations of geospatial intelligence and geographic information science in support of the disaster management process;
  • how geospatial intelligence can be of value to the first responder;
  • how geospatial intelligence for disaster management compares with other national security applications.

Deliverable: Lesson 8 - GRADED Paper #2

When you have completed your paper, return to Canvas. Look for the Lesson 8 - GRADED Paper (#2) link where you will submit your paper. You will find directions for submitting your papers when you enter the link.

Before you move on to Lesson 9, double-check the Lesson 8 Checklist to make sure you have completed all of the required activities for this lesson.

Looking Ahead

Next week we'll learn about one of FEMA's most catastrophic disasters - Hurricane Katrina - and how that has reshaped the way we do emergency management now. Lesson 9 is a case study of Hurricane Katrina capped off by your third discussion forum. It should be quite interesting as several of you might have been involved in Katrina. In our next lesson, we are going to consider:

  • the use of intelligence and especially geospatial intelligence in the planning for, and response to, Hurricane Katrina;
  • a synthesis of the ideas of previous lessons to critique the role of intelligence and especially geo-spatial intelligence in relation to Hurricane Katrina;
  • the social justice implications for geospatial intelligence applications in Hurricane Katrina;
  • future applications of geospatial intelligence for disaster management.