GEOG 892
Geospatial Applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)

Summary and Final Tasks



Congratulations! You've finished Lesson 6, Aviation Regulatory and Certificate of Authorization Process (COA). I hope you digested the materials very well, as they are essential to understanding the circumstances of operating any UAS in the U.S. The exercise of developing your own COA or Part 107 waiver application will enable you to manage a UAS operation, as it has provided you with crucial knowledge about logistics and safety concerns regarding UAS operations. The exercise not only had provided you with FAA rules and regulations, but has also given the necessary technical knowledge about different sub-systems of the UAS.

Final Tasks

1 Complete the Lesson 6 Quiz.
2 For this exercise, you can claim that you are representing a public agency, in which case you need to apply for COA or a civilian operator, in which case you need to apply for Part 107 waiver. Recognizing that a public agency can also apply for Part 107 waiver, start working on your "COA application draft" or "Part 107 waiver draft". Develop draft materials for your application for the UAS you selected in section 2.7 of Lesson 2. Choose a geographic location for your system operations. Name the civilian application you are going to use the system for. You may find that all technical specifications/information about your UAS is not available or publicly published, in which case you need to adopt published technical specifications for a similar UAS or from an existing COA or a Part 107 waiver. Your report should contain at least 20 pages, but not to exceed 30 pages (single line spacing). Upon completion, submit your completed word document(s) in the drop box. (7 points)
3 Submit your results for exercise 1 data processing in Pix4D
4 Participate in the discussion for Lesson 6 "Differences Between Rules and Regulations". Deadline for this assignment is at the end of Lesson 7.
5 Start processing the dataset for exercise 2 using Pix4D software.