We covered a lot of ground in this lesson, and there are a lot of resources beyond those I linked in the lesson itself:
- At the PhET site with the link to the blackbody interactive simulation, there are resources for teachers on the topic of blackbody radiation.
- There is another applet on Blackbody radiation from the folks at the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.
- There are several different simulations of the Bohr model and the interaction between photons and electrons, including:
- another Bohr model simulation from the University of Toronto.
- In the page on telescopes, we did not have enough time to cover telescopes that are sensitive to other parts of the EM spectrum, but there are a number of resources on this topic, including:
- the Chandra X-ray Observatory;
- Spitzer Space Telescope background on Infrared Astronomy;
- the National Radio Astronomy Observatory on Radio Astronomy;
- literally dozens more—if there is a particular type of telescope you'd like to know about, feel free to post the request to Piazza or as a comment below.
- The image of the spectrum of neon came from an article written by a chemist about spectroscopy. He has an in-depth site on spectroscopy, including images of different lamps containing gas of a specific type that are available to be used in your own presentations.
- There is an excellent movie made about observing with small telescopes called "Seeing in the Dark" by Timothy Ferris. It was broadcast on PBS, and this project, too, provides a lengthy set of resources for teachers and families on astronomy, telescopes, and night sky observing.
- There is a company called Slooh.com that is offering remote telescope imaging for a price. There is another online observatory that is free for educators called the "MicroObservatory".
- As part of the International Year of Astronomy, astronomers have created "Galileoscope" kits that offer inexpensive but high quality telescope kits for school or home use.
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