GEOG 160
Mapping Our Changing World

Student Responsibilities


Registered Geog160web Students

As a registered student, your role is to read chapters, complete activities and quizzes, produce and submit original project reports, respond to surveys, and complete a final exam on schedule. The schedule of assignment due dates is published under the Calendar in Canvas. In addition, you should read and participate in discussions that take place in Canvas discussion forums as well as on particular pages of the course text. Students who contribute to discussions and help other students out are the ones who gain the most from the class experience. The amount of time you invest in your course will vary depending on the number of academic credits you will earn. At Penn State, one academic credit is equivalent to approximately 40 hours of student activity. Thus, a student in a 3-credit, 15-week class should plan to invest about eight hours of study each week. Time needed to cover assigned reading material and to complete assigned exercises will, however, vary depending upon the background and experience you bring to the course. Although there are weekly assignment deadlines, you are typically free to study at places and times that are most convenient to you.

It is also essential that you read and understand the details of the course structure and expectations, grading policy, and other important course policies, as detailed in the course syllabus. To read the syllabus:

Go to Syllabus page in Canvas.

Remember that the Canvas course management system can be reached at Penn State's Welcome to Canvas web page.

The course Syllabus is your go-to reference concerning the structure and policies of the course as the semester progresses.