Please take studying for these quizzes seriously. You need to have a thorough grasp of all the material covered in that unit in order to do well on the quiz. The quiz is open-book, so if you don’t know the answer, but know where to look in the modules, you can find the answer. But remember, the quizzes are timed - 25 questions in 60 minutes - so you do not have time to search around for answers if you did not study beforehand. If you want to do well on the quiz, you will need to have the answers in your head already without having to look back, so study is critical.
All questions in the quizzes are new this semester. The TAs and I created an entirely new question bank, so you can not count on knowing answers from previous semesters. When studying, pay particular attention to bolded, italicized, or otherwise key concepts, but don’t neglect the areas that don’t have bolded text. You should be able to summarize the key concept or argument from each paragraph in the text, and from each assigned reading, prior to taking the quiz.
Questions may be from any part of the online material including assigned readings and videos.