GEOG 431
Geography of Water Resources

Lesson 1, Activity


In the Lecture 1.1 Microsoft PowerPoint, you were introduced to a few achievements and uses of freshwater. The text also covers various historic and current water uses. Your assignment for Lesson 1 is to investigate a historic provisioning of freshwater by earlier civilizations, preferably well before 1800, but absolutely before 1900. Thus, you have a 4,000-year “window” from which to gaze upon the past! Choose a place and time period (e.g., a particular phase in a civilization’s history) and document and synthesize their approach to water management. Prepare a 2-page paper, including graphics and citations about your chosen moment in time. Be sure to adequately cite all resources used, including images and maps.

Lesson 1 Activity Rubric
Description Full points Partial points No points Points total
Topic selection Appropriate time period selected (pre-1900) and focused on water management. Appropriate time period (pre-1900) selected but lacks focus on water management. Inappropriate time period selected and no acknowledgement of water management. 5
Content Thoroughly provides details on 2+ aspects of water management. Demonstrates an understanding of its role in the civilization’s history. Talks about 2+ aspects of water management. However, details are vague and do not demonstrate an understanding of its role in the civilization’s history. Only 1 aspect of water management discussed. However, details are vague and do not demonstrate an understanding of its role in the civilization’s history. No discussion of water management. 15
College-level writing No grammar or spelling mistakes. Content is organized well. 2-3 grammar or spelling mistakes. Flow and organization of content could be improved. 3+ grammar or spelling mistakes. Content does not flow and is unorganized. 5
Citations Included in-text citations and a complete works cited page. All information is in the student’s own words and appropriately cited. Missing 2-3 in-text citations or works cited page is incomplete. Some information is not written in the student’s own words. Missing 3+ in-text citations or works cited page is incomplete. Most information is not written in the student’s own words. 5


After you have gathered enough information, compose a 2-page paper about historic provisioning of freshwater by earlier civilizations. Please submit your paper using the Assignment 1.1 - What is freshwater? drop box under Lesson 1 in Canvas. (See the Calendar in Canvas for specific due dates.)