Lesson Data
This section provides links to download the Lesson 7 data along with reference information about each dataset (metadata). Briefly review the information below so you have a general idea of the data we will use in this lesson.
Lesson 7 Data Download:
Note: You should not complete this activity until you have read through all of the pages in Lesson 7. See the Lesson 7 Checklist for further information.
Create a new folder in your GEOG487 folder called "Lesson7." Download a zip file of the Lesson 7 Data and save it in your "Lesson7" folder. Extract the zip file and view the contents. Information about all datasets used in the lesson is provided below:
Publicly Available Data:
Base Map:
- Source: Esri Basemap
- Service Names: Imagery Hybrid
- Within ArcGIS, go to the Map tab within the Layer group and click on the Basemap (select Imagery Hybrid from the dropdown menu).
Private Data (Located Inside the Lesson7 Data Folder):
The data for this lesson is contained in a geodatabase called Lesson7.gdb. Read about geodatabases in the online help provided by Esri if you are not familiar with this data format.
- Study_Boundary: The study site is located in Southeastern Cameroon.
- Management Units: Encompasses land management units designated for conservation and logging.
- Roads07: Road centerlines digitized from 2007 Landsat images.
- Roads01: Road centerlines digitized from 2001 Landsat images.
- Roads21: Road centerlines sourced from 2021 Landsat images and OpenStreetMap
The roads and study boundary were sourced from portions of the Interactive Forestry Atlas, Global Forest Watch Open Data Portal, Humanitarian Data Exchange, and OpenStreetMap for our study area. The original data was created by the World Resources Institute - Global Forest Watch (GWF), a nongovernmental organization (NGO) focused on environmental issues. They regularly produce reports and data about the state of forests and logging in Central Africa and other locations around the world. Part of their work involves the creation of GIS datasets to assist forest managers.