GEOG 489
Advanced Python Programming for GIS

4.10.1 File and Class Structure of the Project


Since this project involves quite a bit of code, we have tried to cleanly organize it into different class definitions and multiple files. We don’t expect you to type in the code yourself in this walkthrough but rather study the files carefully and use the explanations provided in this text to make sure you understand how everything plays together. Here is an overview on what each of the involved files contains: – This file contains most of the basic classes for our project that are not derived from other classes.

  • class Timepoint: a Timepoint in this project will represent a point in space and time and is therefore defined by latitude and longitude properties which are both instance variables of type float and a time property that is an instance of the class datetime from the datetime module of the Python standard library (that you worked with in homework assignment 3). We will use Timepoints to represent the bus observations from the GPS data as well as events happening at a particular location at a particular time.
  • class Bus: the class Bus represents a single vehicle appearing in the GPS data and its GPS points extracted from the input data. It is defined by its vehicle ID, the line it belongs to, and a list of chronologically-ordered Timepoints representing the GPS observation points read from the input data.
  • class BusTracker: this class represents the current status of an individual bus vehicle during the analysis and event detection process. A BusTracker object will be maintained for each bus vehicle. It links to the corresponding object of class Bus and, in addition, is used to keep track of whether the vehicle’s status is currently “driving”, “stopped”, or “in depot”, of its current speed estimate, of the last Timepoint that has already been processed for this bus, and of some other information.
  • class Observation: in the analysis stage of our program, we will maintain a priority queue (Section 4.2.3) in which we store the next observations for each bus. These observations need to be processed in order of their time of occurrence. The objects we are storing in this queue will be of class Observation that combines the BusTracker for the bus this observation is about, the Timepoint of this observation, and the index of that Timepoint in the list of Timepoints of the bus. Please note that the class has to define its own __lt__(...) method for the < comparison operator to achieve that the Obervation objects in the priority queue will be ordered based on their time attribute of the Timepoint object they contain. 
  • class Depot: the class Depot is used to represent a single bus depot, simply defined by its name and bounding box which is represented as a 4-tuple of floats as in the original input data in file dublin_depots.csv. - This file defines the hierarchy of bus events starting with the abstract root class BusEvent from which we derive three more specialized (but still abstract) classes SingleBusEvent, MultipleBusesEvent, and BusDepotEvent. The classes for the events that we are actually trying to detect in the data are derived from these three intermediate classes. The overall bus event hierarchy is depicted in the figure below. We are keeping things somewhat simple here. One could certainly imagine other kinds of events that could be of interest and easily added to this hierarchy.

Flow chart: busEvent goes to Single then stopped, Multiple then encounter and Depot then to either leaving or entering.      
Figure 4.23 Class hierarchy of bus event classes used in this project
  • class BusEvent: each bus event has an associated Timepoint. Therefore, the instance variable for this Timepoint object is already introduced in the abstract root class BusEvent. In addition, each bus event should have a method description() to produce a string with a brief description of the event suitable to be stored in an attribute table of a feature class, and a class function (Section 4.8) called detect(…) that takes an object of class Observation and checks whether the respective event occurs at this observation point and if so, creates and returns one or multiple event objects of that event class. We define templates for both these functions in BusEvent but they need to be overwritten by the derived subclasses.
  • class SingleBusEvent: this class is intended as a superclass for all events involving just a single bus, so those that are entirely based on properties of the bus and its GPS data. The class adds an instance variable to refer to the Bus object this event is about.
  • class MultipleBusesEvent: this class is the superclass for all bus events that involve two or more buses (like bus encounter events). It adds an instance variable for storing a list of Bus objects, namely those involved in the particular event.
  • class BusDepotEvent: all event classes that involve a single bus and a bus depot are supposed to be derived from this intermediate class. It adds instance variables for the involved bus (class Bus) and involved depot (class Depot).
  • class BusStoppedEvent: this is the first instantiable class in our hierarchy and it is derived from the SingleBusEvent class because it is only about the properties of an individual bus: when the given Timepoint on the bus doesn’t move more than 3 meters for at least a minute, we consider the bus to be stopped, generate an event of this class, and update the status of the BusTracker for this bus accordingly. This all happens in the function detect(…) that is overwritten in the definition of class BusStoppedEvent. This class adds another instance variable called duration for keeping track of how long the bus remained stopped.
  • class BusEncounterEvent: this event derived from class MultipleBusesEvent represents situations in which two buses encounter each other along their routes. The detect(…) function overwritten in the class definition creates an event of this class if the given bus is observed within 20 meters of the last accounted position of another bus while both buses are “driving” (so not stopped and not currently in a depot).
  • class LeavingDepotEvent: this class is derived from BusDepotEvent and an event of this class will be generated (again by the overwritten function detect(…)) if the bus still has the status “in depot” but for the given observation now is located outside any depot. The status of the corresponding BusTracker will be changed from “in depot” to “driving”.
  • class EnteringDepotEvent: this is the counter part to LeavingDepotEvent for when a bus that still has the status “driving” now for the current observation is located inside one of the depots. – This file contains just a single class definition, the definition of class BusTrackAnalyzer that is our main class for performing the analysis and event detection over the data read in from the two input files. Its constructor takes two input parameters: a dictionary that maps a bus vehicle ID to the corresponding object of class Bus (created from the data from the GPS input file) and a list of Depot objects (created from the data in the depot input file). While its code could also have become the main program for this project, it is advantageous to have this all encapsulated into a class definition with methods for performing a single step of the analysis, resetting the analysis to start from the beginning, and for producing output vector data sets of the bus tracks created and the events detected so far. This way we can use this analyzer differently in different contexts and have full control over when and in which order the individual analysis steps and other actions will be performed. When we turn the project into a QGIS plugin in Section 4.12, we will make use of this by linking the methods of this class to a media player like control GUI with buttons for starting, pausing, and resetting the analysis. We will explain how this main class of the project works in more detail in a moment. – This file also defines just a single class, BusTrackerWidget, which is for visualizing the current status of the buses during the analysis and, therefore, is a bit of an optional component in this project to practice what you learned about drawing on a widget some more in this lesson. A BusTrackerWidget object is directly linked to a BusTrackAnalyzer object that is given to it as a parameter to the constructor. Whenever the content is supposed to be drawn, it accesses the analyzer object and, in particular, the list of BusTracker objects maintained there and depicts the status of the different buses as shown in the image below with each line representing one of the buses:

 Screenshot of bus tracker showing location or driving speed of each line      
Figure 4.24 GUI for the event detection process implemented in class BusTrackerWidget

The class uses the three images from the files status_driving.png, status_indepot.png, and status_stopped.png to show the current status as an icon in the leftmost column of each row. This is followed by a colored circle depicting the vehicles current estimated speed using red for speeds below 15 mph, orange below 25 mph, yellow below 40 mph, and green for speeds larger than 40 mph. Then it displays the bus ID and line information followed by a short text description providing more details on the status like the exact speed estimate or the name of the depot the bus is currently located in. The widget also shows the time of the last processed observation in green at the top. We will discuss how this class has been implemented in more detail later in this section. – Lastly, this file contains the main program for this project in which we put everything together. Since most of the analysis functionality is implemented in class BusTrackAnalyzer and the detect(…) functions of the different bus event classes, this main program is comparatively compact. It reads in the data from the two input files, creates a BusTrackAnalyzer for the resulting Bus and Depot objects, and sets up a QWidget for a window that hosts an instance of the BusTrackerWidget class. When the main button in this QWidget is pressed, the run method is executed and processes the data step-by-step by iteratively calling the nextStep() method of the analyzer object until all observations have been processed. The method also makes sure that the BusTrackerWidget is repainted after each step so that we can see what is happening during the analysis. Finally, it saves the detected events and bus tracks as vector data sets on the disk.