GEOG 586
Geographic Information Analysis

Final Tasks


Lesson 3 Deliverables

  1. Complete the Lesson 3 quiz.
  2. Complete the Project 3A and 3B activities. This includes inserting maps and graphs into your write-up along with accompanying commentary. Submit your assignment to the 'Assignment: Week 3 Project' dropbox provided in Lesson 3 in Canvas.

NOTE: When you have completed this week's project, please submit it to the Canvas drop box for this lesson.

Reminder - Complete all of the Lesson 3 tasks!

You have reached the end of Lesson 3! Double-check the to-do list on the Lesson 3 Overview page to make sure you have completed all of the activities listed there before you begin Lesson 4.

References and Additional Resources

For additional information about spatstat refer to this document by Baddeley

To see how some of these methods are applied, have a quick look at some of these journal articles.

Here is an article to an MGIS capstone project that investigated sinkholes in Florida. 

Related to crime, here is a link to an article that uses spatial analysis for understanding crime in national forests.

Here are some articles that use some of the methods learned during this week's lesson to analyze the distribution of plants (e.g., ferns) and butterflies. 

For a comprehensive read on using crime analysis, look through Crime Modeling and Mapping Using Geospatial Technologies book available through the Penn State Library.

Don't forget to use the library and search for other books or articles that may be applicable to your studies.