GEOG 850
Location Intelligence for Business

5.5 Term Project – Continue Working


You have a full week of learning and case study deliverables, so I did not assisgn Peer Feedback in this Lesson.

(For future feedback activities): To provide meaningful feedback, you should consider the following aspects:

  • Are the goals reasonable and achievable? It is a common mistake to aim too high and attempt to do too much. Suggest possible amendments to the proposals' aims that might make them more achievable in the time frame.
  • Are the data adequate for the task proposed? Do you foresee problems in obtaining or organizing the data? Suggest how these problems could be avoided.
  • Are the proposed analysis methods appropriate? Suggest alternative methods or enhancements to the proposed methods that would also help.
  • Provide any additional input that you feel is appropriate. This could include suggestions for additional outputs (e.g., maps) not specifically mentioned by the author, or suggestions as to further data sources, relevant things to read, relevant other examples to look at, and so on.

No Deliverable for this Lesson 5.5:


There are no deliverables for your own term project this week.