An often-used description of the geoidal surface involves idealized oceans. Imagine the oceans of the world utterly still, completely free of currents, tides, friction, variations in temperature and all other physical forces, except gravity. Reacting to gravity alone, these unattainable calm waters would coincide with the figure known as the geoid. Admitted by small frictionless channels or tubes and allowed to migrate across the land, the water would then, theoretically, define the same geoidal surface across the continents, too. Of course, the 70% of the earth covered by oceans is not so cooperative, nor is there any such system of channels and tubes. In addition, the physical forces eliminated from the model cannot be avoided in reality. The actual oceans of the Earth are affected by temperature, by wave motion, by salinity, and many other aspects that cause variation in their heights. These unavoidable forces actually cause Mean Sea Level to deviate from the geoid. It is a fact frequently mentioned to emphasize the inconsistency of the original definition of the geoid as it was offered by J.B. Listing in 1872. Listing thought of the geoidal surface as equivalent to Mean Sea Level. So even with tidal monitoring, Mean Sea Level is not an indicator of gravity alone, and that is the concept of the geoid. The geoid is that surface which is affected only by gravity, and it is an equipotential surface, where the gravity potential is always the same.
An Equipotential Surface
This somewhat exaggerated image shows what a lumpy surface, Earth would be if we only considered gravity. You can see that gravity isn't consistent across the entire topographic surface of the Earth. At every point it has a magnitude and a direction. In other words, anywhere on the earth, gravity can be described by a mathematical vector. Along the solid earth, such vectors do not have all the same direction or magnitude, but one can imagine a surface of constant gravity potential. Such an equipotential surface would be level in the true sense. It would coincide with the top of the hypothetical water in the previous example. Mean Sea Level does not define such a figure, nevertheless the geoidal surface is not just a product of imagination. For example, the vertical axis of any properly leveled surveying instrument and the string of any stable plumb bob are perpendicular to the geoid. Just as pendulum clocks and earth-orbiting satellites, they clearly show that the geoid is a reality.
I hasten to add that the ellipsoid, the nice, smooth, mathematical surface that we use as a reference surface in the definition of a datum, is different than the geoid. They are two different surfaces. The geoid is defined entirely by gravity and is a physical reality. The ellipsoid is a purely mathematical imaginary surface.