Lesson 4 Introduction-The Human Factor & Communication
Lesson 4 Overview
Best practices promoted by the Project Management Institute (PMI) and other professional organizations provides a context for project planning and management. One of the Knowledge Areas described in the PMI PMBOK is Human Resource Management. Many project managers believe that assembling project teams, delegating work to team members, keeping team members and stakeholders engaged, and other human resource issues are the most critical concerns in planning and managing project work. Effective application of best practices in human resource management drives productivity and ensures that work will be completed according to the project schedule, costs, and deliverable requirements. Human resources management takes into account personnel policies and regulations, along with less tangible aspects of communications and team member motivation. Although the human factor is not readily quantified, we can still take steps towards increasing our understanding of how different sorts of people tend to work together and communicate with each other within the context of an organization--with the overall objective of optimizing productivity and delivering project results according to the plan. That's what this lesson is about.
Regardless of how the scope of a project is defined, it takes people to do the work. In this lesson, we will discuss how to use manpower most efficiently and how to use people most effectively.
Learning Objectives
By the end of Lesson 4, you should be able to:
- understand human resource issues associated with personnel assignment, loading and leveling
- create and use appropriate human resource tools, such as project organizational charts and resource/responsibility matrices
- understand how client and contractor team members work together to complete project deliverables
- grasp the importance of individual motivation, skills, and personality types in assembling and managing project team
- describe communication planning, and the best use of communication skills, tools, and technology
See the checklist page for readings, quiz, and assignment work in this Lesson.
If you have any questions or would like to brainstorm ideas, please contact the instructor by phone or email. Also, feel free to communicate with your fellow students via the Discussion Forum or email.