GEOG 882
Geographic Foundations of Geospatial Intelligence

9.6 Summary and Final Tasks



This lesson was a case study of Hurricane Katrina, and it concludes our three-lesson section on domestic disaster preparedness. In this section of the course, we examined the fundamentals of emergency management, including the National Response Plan and the National Incident Management System. We also examined the very important and often ignored issue of social justice in disaster preparedness and response, as well as the contribution of GIS&T to emergency management. This final case study of Hurricane Katrina allowed you to:

  • discuss and critique the use of intelligence and especially geospatial intelligence in the planning for, and response to, Hurricane Katrina;
  • synthesize the ideas of previous lessons to critique the role of intelligence and especially geo-spatial intelligence in relation to Hurricane Katrina;
  • discuss the social justice implications for geospatial intelligence applications in Hurricane Katrina;
  • compare the government response to Katrina with the government response to a more recent disaster;
  • speculate on future applications of geospatial intelligence for disaster management.

Final Tasks

Deliverable: Lesson 9 - GRADED Discussion Forum (#3)

Return to Lesson 9 in Canvas. Look for the Lesson 9 - GRADED Discussion Forum (#3), where you will find the three required questions and an optional question for this assignment. The minimum requirement is that each of you post one primary response to each of my questions and comment on at least three of your classmates' posts. (Note: for the second discussion forum question, you are required to create a PowerPoint comparing the government response to Katrina with the government response to a more recent disaster and upload it to the corresponding discussion forum.)

Please post your primary response to the questions by Sunday evening to allow time for everyone to post comments by Tuesday night.

Before you move on to Lesson 10, double-check the Lesson 9 Checklist to make sure you have completed all of the required activities for this lesson.

Looking Ahead

Congratulations!! You have completed lessons 1 through 9 and are now ready to move on to the final lesson - Lesson 10 - Trends in Geospatial Intelligence.

For the final lesson, we will explore some other applications of geospatial intelligence and reflect on the future of the field. I will also ask that you complete two course surveys that will provide feedback to PSU and to me regarding the course content, delivery, graded requirements, etc. This feedback is essential to improving the course, so I appreciate your candid responses.

See you at the Critique!