GEOG 882
Geographic Foundations of Geospatial Intelligence

Lesson 1.11 Higher Order Skills


Higher Order Skills of Bloom's Taxonomy

An analyst must understand how to gather data that can tell where and when an event like a forest fire takes place. They’ll need to understand how to use software to gather the data. But synthesizing the data with other geographical concepts gets them closer to understanding why something happened. The synthesizing process demonstrates a higher level of thinking and understanding about the topic at hand and can contribute to a larger dialogue about addressing future forest fires.

Bloom's Taxonomy higher level skills of analysis, synthesis and evaluation

Bloom's Taxonomy higher level thinking skills

So when someone can combine some background in climatology, along with patterns of data, and maybe some practical knowledge about how governmental mechanisms function in the field- then we are getting closer to answering why something like a forest fire happens and how to adapt our behavior or response accordingly.