GEOG 882
Geographic Foundations of Geospatial Intelligence

Lesson 1.13c Evaluation



The BC and his movement controllers—having utilized interpretation and analysis —now turned to evaluation. Evaluation is to assess the credibility of statements or other representations which are accounts or descriptions of a person's perception, experience, situation, judgment, belief, or opinion; and to assess the logical strength of the actual or intended inferential relationships among statements, descriptions, questions or other forms of representation.

platoon of soldiers in Iraq posing in front of vehicles
450th MCB commander and personal security detail. This was the minimum security required to get out to apply critical thinking out in the field and solve the big problem.
Credit: © 450th MCB. Used with permission. 

The BC and his movement controllers' evaluation determined that theater distribution did not suffer from one problem, but from a series of problems starting at the origin and perpetuating all the way through delivery at the destination. These problems fed into one another creating a cascading effect. There were no simple answers. To solve this challenge would require a fairly complex plan with buy-in from numerous stakeholders (some of whom were hostile to each other, and many of whom had their own agendas and priorities).