Maps and the Geospatial Revolution

Discussion Prompts


Change Matters In Geography

As food for thought, I suggest building on what you've done in the mapping assignment, so if you haven't yet completed that assignment, make sure you do so now. The lab in this lesson focused on change detection, and I want you to find and explain the changes taking place in parts that we didn't explore during the lab activity. Then I'd like you to review what your classmates have posted and weigh in on their explanations and/or provide additional examples.

  • Share map links with your classmates that shows another area (that we didn't look at as part of the lab assignment) where you've detected interesting changes, and describe your rationale for explaining those changes.
  • Review the maps and explanations that your classmates have posted. Do their explanations make sense? Can you find another example in a different place that shows the same types of changes?
  • Find and share a map you've come across on the web that you think does a nice job of showing and explaining Geographic changes. What works (or doesn't) about its design?