Materials In Today's World



As materials are formed or processed into useful products the materials undergo changes in their materials properties. These changes can be beneficial or deleterious. Understanding these changes can enhance the performance of the material or, in some cases, prevent unanticipated materials failure. In this lesson, we discuss the common formation and processing methods for metals, ceramics, and polymers, and how these processes can effect the materials properties of the processed materials.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

  • Name and describe four forming operations that are used to shape metal alloys.
  • Name and describe five casting techniques.
  • Name and briefly describe five forming methods that are used to fabricate glass pieces.
  • Briefly describe and explain the procedure by which glass pieces are thermally tempered.
  • Briefly describe processes that occur during the drying and firing of clay-based ceramic ware.
  • Briefly describe/diagram the sintering process of powder particle aggregates.
  • Briefly describe addition and condensation polymerization mechanisms.
  • Name the five types of polymer additives and, for each, indicate how it modifies polymer properties.
  • Name and briefly describe five fabrication techniques used for plastic polymers.

Lesson Roadmap

Lesson 10 will take us one week to complete. Please refer to the Syllabus or course calendar for specific due dates.

Lesson Roadmap
To Read Read pp 283-322 (Ch. 14) in Introduction to Materials ebook
To Watch Raw to Ready: Bombardier
To Do Lesson 10 Quiz


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