Weather and Climate Data Sets

What is NetCDF?


After completing this section, you will have the NetCDF files installed on your computer.


If you're not familiar with NetCDF files, please read the following sections/links before installing the libraries:

NetCDF Reading Assignment

  • For an overview, start with the Wikipedia page.
  • Next, read the "What Is NetCDF" section of the NetCDF FAQ.
  • Finally, read the first four sections of the NetCDF User's Guide. Make sure that you understand the various parts of a NetCDF file (and what they are used for).

Now that you know more about NetCDF files, it's time to install the libraries which are operating-system dependent. Depending on your level of technical skill you can get pre-built libraries or build them yourself from the source code. I just grabbed the pre-built Windows version of NetCDF-4 (64-bit). If you are a MAC user, you will want to use a package manager called Homebrew or MacPorts to facilitate the install. Here is a set of instructions using MacPorts that you might find helpful (searching "netcdf library homebrew" will provide useful pages for that manager). There are instructions for LINUX users as well, but you guys are likely well-versed in performing such installs.

It is absolutely imperative that you get the NetCDF libraries installed correctly! You won't be able to proceed without them. To verify your install, you should be able to type "ncdump" at any command prompt and see a set of usage instructions (and no errors). Please contact me ASAP if you are having trouble. In the next section, we will link up the NetCDF libraries with the R interface.

Read on after you've completed this step.