Penn State Data Management Plan Tutorial

Help Getting Started

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Contact Information for DMP Consultations & Data Guidance

The University Libraries offer help with data management planning, including a review of DMPs for a grant proposal and guidance on best practices for managing research data. Please use the contact information below to get in touch when you are seeking help:

Data Management List (coordinated by librarians to address DMP review requests):

Patricia Hswe, Digital Content Strategist and Head, ScholarSphere User Services: | 814-867-3702

Ways to Get Started

  1. Contact the librarian who is in your field to start a conversation about data and DMPs - find out by consulting this list.
  2. ExploreScholarSphere as a service for making your data accessible and preserved for the long term.
  3. Needing a presentation on data management planning or on ScholarSphere? Contact Patricia Hswe,
  4. Looking for guidance in the context of Penn State's research administration guidelines and policies? You might find this resource helpful.
  5. The Libraries also provide boilerplate language that you can enhance in accordance to your needs and insert in your DMP. Please let us know if you use it, however, so we can keep track of researcher needs.
  6. Try out the DMPTool the next time you need to write a data management plan. Remember, you'll still need to review the plan that is generated after you fill in all the parts of the DMP and make sure it isn't more than two pages in total.
  7. Seeking a disciplinary data repository service through which to share your data? Explore DataBib, a curated registry of data repositories.