EME 810
Solar Resource Assessment and Economics

9.5 Discussion Activity


Yellowdig Discussion - National PV Targets for Electricity Production

For this lesson discussion, do some online research on national targets for PV solar power. You can use the REN21 Renewables Global Satus Report as a starting point, but certainly feel free to search other available resources.  Take a look at different several key players representing different continents that are actively setting PV targets:

  • Argentina
  • India
  • South Africa
  • Australia

After reading and taking down some comparative notes, use these guiding questions to create your post in Yellowdig: 

  • What do these countries have in common with the choice of targets?
  • How do their time horizons compare? 
  • Has there been a notable progress in these countries to achive these target?
  • Can you speculate as to why these countries have large targets for PV, while other countries (e.g. Russia) do not?
  • Whar are geographic, economic, and other prerequisites for setting renewable energy targets in these regions?


Please feel free to use the following topics for your discussion posts this week: 

Grading and Deadlines

Remember that Yellowdig point earning period ends each Friday. Posting commenting, reacting regularly through the weeek will make the 1000 pts. an easy target and guarantee a high participation grade in the course. Yellowdig discussions will account for 15% of your total grade.