Food and the Future Environment



Module 8 Assignments Roadmap

Detailed instructions for completing the Summative Assessment will be provided in each module.

Module 8 Roadmap
Action Assignment Location
To Read
  1. Materials on the course website.
  2. Pesticide Development: A Brief Look at the History. Taylor, R. L., A. G. Holley and M. Kirk. March 2007. Southern Regional Extension Forestry. A Regional Peer Reviewed Publication SREF-FM-010 (Also published as Texas A & M Publication 805-124).
  3. “Use and Impact of Bt Maize” by: Richard L. Hellmich (USDA–ARS, Corn Insects and Crop Genetics Research Unit, and Dept of Entomology, Iowa State Univ, IA) & Kristina Allyse Hellmich (Dept. of Biology, Grinnell College, IA). 2012 Nature Education
  4. The Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Concept. D. G. Alston. July 2011. IPM 014-11. Utah State University Extension and Utah Plant Pest Diagnostic Laboratory
  5. IPM Pest Management Decision-Making: The Economic-Injury Level Concept. D. G. Alston. July 2011. IPM 016-11. Utah State University Extension and Utah Plant Pest Diagnostic Laboratory:
  6. Plant Disease: Pathogens and Cycles. Timmerman, A., Nygren, A., VanDeWalle, B., Giesler, L., Seymour, R., Glewen, K., Shapiro, C., Jhala, A., Treptow, D. 2019. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Extension.
  1. You are on the course website now.
  2. Online: Pesticide Development: A Brief Look at the History
  3. Online: Use and Impact of Bt Maize
  4. Online: The Integrated Pest Management
  5. Online: IPM Pest Management Decision-Making: The Economic-Injury Level Concept
  6. Online: Plant Disease: Pathogens and Cycles.
To Do
  1. Formative Assessment Part 1: Australian Grain Crop IPM and Part 2: Determining the Economic Threshold of Potato Leafhoppers in Alfalfa
  2. Summative Assessment: Herbicide Resistant Weed Interpretation
  3. Take Module Quiz
  1. In course content: Formative Assessment; complete worksheet then take quiz in Canvas
  2. In course content: Summative Assessment, then post discussion in Canvas
  3. In Canvas


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If you have any questions, please post them to the discussion forum in Canvas. We will check that discussion forum daily to respond. While you are there, feel free to post your own responses if you, too, are able to help out a classmate.